Doing university assessment strategically to launch graduate careers
How do you (university students) get experience to get a job, without needing the job to get the experience? Watch our short but engaging video for the answer.

How to Achieve Industry Relevance and Student Engagement in Online Learning

Digital solutions for supporting students’ career identities

7 Tips to engage students in graduate attributes through social media

Work-Integrated learning in support of digital futures

Graduate Employability Final Report
This report outlines the key findings from the 2014 Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching grant researching graduate employability.
The report includes the analysis of 705 surveys, along with interview and focus group data from 147 participants across the stakeholder groups of students, graduates, employers and higher education personnel.
Kinash, S., Crane, L., Judd, M-M., Mitchell, K., McLean, M., Knight, C., Dowling, D., & Schulz, M. (2015). Supporting graduate employability from generalist disciplines through employer and private institution collaboration. Final Report prepared for the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching.

Graduate Attributes for lifelong learning powerpoint

POSTER- Australian Graduate Employability Dissonance
Note: Due to the size of the poster, it may take a few minutes to load in your browser.

POSTER- when do university students & graduates know what careers they want
Note: Due to the size of the poster, it may take a few minutes to load in your browser.

EDUTECH 2017 PRESENTATION- Outlook for Employability for VET/RTO Graduates
The slideshow Professor Shelley Kinash presented at Edutech 2017. Shelley is the Director, Advancement of Learning and Teaching

EDUTECH 2017 PRESENTATION- Graduate Employability & Productivity: The Future of Tertiary Education
The slideshow Professor Shelley Kinash presented at Edutech 2017. Shelley is the Director, Advancement of Learning and Teaching

Kinash, S., Crane, L., Judd, M-M., & Knight, C. (2016). Discrepant stakeholder perspectives on graduate employability strategies. Higher Education Research & Development, doi: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1139555

2016 National Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (NAGCAS) Keynote Slideshow

Arts & Employability: DASSH 2016

National Research on the Postgraduate Student Experience Case Study: Career Development & Employability


Graduate employability Infographic

Provocation Presentation
Kinash. S. (2015, November). Provocation 3 – Work and Life Readiness. Presentation at ACODE/CADAD Workshop. Adelaide, SA.

Mapping Employability Worksheet
The link below contains the worksheet, the student instructions and the staff instructions.

Graduate Employability Framework 2015
Kinash, S., Crane, L., Judd, M-M., Mitchell, K., McLean, M., Knight, C., & Dowling, D. (2015). Graduate Employability Framework. Support graduate employability from generalist disciplines through employer and private institution collaboration.

8 ways to enhance your students’ graduate employability
Kinash, S. (2015). 8 ways to enhance your students’ graduate employability. Teaching the Bond Way. Gold Coast, QLD, AUS.

Graduate employability
Kinash, Shelley. (2015, September). Graduate employability: How universities can improve students’ graduate employability. Lessons from National OLT Research. DASSH Conference, Adelaide.

What students and graduates need to know about graduate employability: Lessons from national OLT research
Kinash, S., Crane, L., Judd, M-M., Knight, C., & Dowling, D. (2015, July). What students and graduates need to know about graduate employability: Lessons from National OLT research. Published conference proceedings from the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference: Learning for life and work in a complex world, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

What students and graduates need to know about graduate employability: Lessons from National OLT research – Powerpoint.
Kinash, Crane (2015, July). What students and graduates need to know about graduate employability: Lessons from National OLT research. Slideshow presented at HERDSA Conference 2015.

Australian National Graduate Employability Research: Implications for Higher Education Assessment
Kinash, S., Crane, L., & Judd, M-M. (2015, May). Australian National Graduate Employability Research: Implications for Higher Education Assessment. Poster Presentation at Assessment for Learning in Higher Education, Hong Kong.

Enhancing graduate employability of the 21st century learner
Kinash, S. & Crane, L. (2015, May). Enhancing graduate employability of the 21st century learner. Published conference proceedings from the International Mobile Learning Festival, Hong Kong.

Reshaping the Student Experience: Adapting to a consumer-driven deregulated market.
Kinash, S. (2015, March). Developing a personalised learning experience to overcome the crisis of graduate employability. Reshaping the Student Experience: Adapting to a consumer-driven deregulated market. Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Future of learning in higher education
Kinash, S. (2014, June) Future of learning in Higher Education. Australian Office for Learning & Teaching Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Australasian DASSH Conference 2016 Tasmania Powerpoint